
Showing posts from October, 2023

Free Adnan Syed!

  When carefully listening to the “Serial” podcast, it became quickly evident that Adnan Syed is not guilty, in my opinion. I must thank Sarah Koenig for really doing some research into this case. Not only did she explain it quite well, but she also stayed fairly unbiased, and let me make my own assumptions. It seemed fishy from the start, from Adnan’s lawyer disregarding a witness and alibi, to the DNA that wasn’t tested.                                                                                                                   (Baltimore  magazine)      A key fact the original trial had not noted, was the fact Asia McClain, Adnan’s friend, had seen Adnan at the library, during the time of the murder. Adnan’s lawyer, Maria Cristina Gutierrez, did not contact Asia to bring her testimony to court . Fortunately, Maria, the lawyer, was later disbarred in 2001. I feel as if people like this should never be involved in a legal case, and it was gross negligence to not include this info

Opportunities or Obstacles- is it worth taking grade 12 University level English for Post Secondary?

       A s an Ontario high school student, attending university next year, I have witnessed the discourse regarding whether it should be mandatory to do Grade 12 university level English to attend University. Despite the fact that it is currently mandatory in all Ontario universities to have this credit, it is somehow still a debate. I am wholeheartedly grateful for this requirement. This is because I believe it is saving me ALOT of hassle, I would otherwise struggle with, without this prerequisite.     The Financials of U niversity   At this current moment, it is mandatory to complete Grade 12 university level English, OR something similar- for an example, an English test or course through the University. At  Dalhousie University , they charge 775$ to complete the English requirement course in lieu of the original credit (Grade 12 university level English). The price of university for a four-year degree is currently estimated at 96,004$ claimed  Embark , a website for post